August 9, 2019
DAPA Editor

NEWSLETTER (July 2019)

Stronger Forever Program

DAPA has upgraded the Stronger Forever Program Handbook to be in line with NDIS service delivery. It now shows all the services we can provide under different categories, such as Core Support, Capacity Building


July 24, 2019
DAPA Editor

NEWSLETTER (June 2019)

New Office space in Chatswood

Starting in July, DAPA will have a new data Collection office in Chatswood within Sunnyfield Enterprise.


June 19, 2019
DAPA Editor


Success for DAPA with another Grant Program:

This year, DAPA received a grant for Social Inclusion from Ryde Council to support our local inclusion activity. We would be highlighting some activities through our Our Ryde phone App to encourage local communities and businesses to pay more attention to Inclusion for people with Disabilities and other people needing care.
