Kurringai Fun Run 2022 (Registration Open) Kurringai Fun Run 2022 Registration Open, come participate and have fun connecting with local communities and running to raise funds for a good cause.

Kurringai Fun Run 2022 (Registration Open) Kurringai Fun Run 2022 Registration Open, come participate and have fun connecting with local communities and running to raise funds for a good cause.
DAPA 2022 ANNOUNCEMENT V2 VIDEO DAPA developed an inclusive utility app for people with a disability such that it will overcome many barriers to enable them to live independently with or without a support person. It uses pictures and voices to help people to locate places of importance as well as helping them to budget…
PRESIDENTS SPEECH 2021 Happy new year to all of the guests and members and colleagues. This year in 2020 has been a special year to remember. We welcomed 2020 with a shadow of virus thread to our health and to our computer systems. Now the world is still embracing COVID-19 pandemic and Australia is certainly…
DAPA COVID-19 Activities – Coming Events Watching this space for the coming events: This coming Chinese New Year will fall on 12th February and we will plan celebration about that day. Like past year everyone in DAPA will paint ox (the Chinese calendar sign for the year) in various form. So watch this page for…
DAPA COVID-19 Activities – Open Day We are currently planning an Open Day for our Sunnyfield Differently Abled Team on27th November from 12 noon to 4pm in our Chatswood office. We will also celebratethis year dewali festival at the same time.
DAPA COVID-19 Activities – Extra Services for our participants Data Entry work and day services continues tohelp participants staying away from infections.
COVID-19 Continues In NSW, the government has had regularly updated COVID-19 status and service information like current coronavirus testing sites and available services and restrictions are accessible at https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19. The following procedures, rules and fines are also published below :
COVID-19 events:COronaVIrus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19). The coronavirus was first identified in 1965 and later found various typesof human coronavirus including the dangerous NL63 and HKU1.Its seriousness was realized in 2003 in Hong Kong. World HealthOrganization (WHO) found several Severe Acute RespiratorySyndrome coronavirus like Sars-Cov, Sars-Cov-1 and Sars-Cov-2existed in human and animals like bats etc.
Changes in DAPA’s Monthly Newsletter Due to NDIS audit and many performances and programs, we have to combine ourmonthly newsletters for the last four months.
Technology Inclusion DAPA has started Social Inclusion Project last July. From to-date we gave $3000 to celebrate anniversary with Eastwood Senior Citizen Club and $1000 for serving the drinks at Special Olympic Upper North Shore Club Golf tournament. In addition we are contributing $5000 to Ku-ring-gai 10K Fun Run event to help raising fund for…