NDIS–Disability and Employment
The federal government announced a $33m for Boosting the Local Care Workforce (BLCW) program in December last year. It is intended to build disability sector capacity and service provider readiness under.
Under BLWC program, a self assessment program is freely available from https://blcw.dss.gov.au/readiness to see if a provider is ready to become an efficient NDIS registered service provider. DAPA has been working with the BLCW program since it commenced to better plan for the future for our participants as the NDIS continues to grow.
NDIS also announced a new grant round for the Information Linkages and Capacity Building project to enhance the capacity of the information available to NDIS participants and their families as well as building additional tools and resources for providers and participants to better engage in the NDIS including building pathways which increase employability for people with disability